Monday, September 15, 2008

Calling ALL blogger friends....


Can you see what is wrong with my page? I can't figure out how to get the background color off of white and the little bit of pink. I have tried EVERYTHING. I nearly erased my entire blog trying to fix this issue. Any ideas how to help? I am thanking you ahead of time. THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!

Can't wait to hear your answers and get this problem solved.


Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

Hi Danielle! I don't see anything wrong, do you mean up by your header? Is it part of your header?

Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

Are you in the minima template for blogspot? So you have the minima template then you have the background through the html gadget...Maybe you could try taking your header off and see if the pink is still there...if it isn't then maybe it's attached to your header? or I'm sure you've tried but taking the html background off and then add it again...I don't know, I hope that helps at all!

Our family said...

I had the same problem!..Try going to the Layout and click pick new template and click the 1st tmeplate "Minima" I believe that is what fixed mine! Good Luck. :-)