Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Loving Today

What a beautiful day God gave us today! The sun was amazing, the wind was just right, and we enjoyed the warmth. I love days like this. I did absolutely nothing (well, I did empty and load the dishwasher) today. I told myself that was ok. I could have a day of doing nothing. Macy and I played and visited with my neighbor a lot today. I thought (for only a micro that such a thing?) about cleaning out my flowerbeds and getting them ready to plant flowers this weekend but didn't do it. I thought about all the laundry that I still need to do but I didn't do it either. I thought about the shopping (getting Easter basket goodies, a dress for Macy (got Madeline's), something new for me to wear) but didn't do it. I thought about cleaning out under the stairs but didn't do it.
All in all I thought A LOT today and did NOTHING!! It felt good.
Maybe tomorrow will be different. That is TBD (to be determined).
Hope you all are enjoying this GORGEOUS weather we are having.



Justinand said...

Sounds like an absolutely perfect day!!!!

Chell said...

You just described what my day will be like NEXT Thursday :)