Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New in 2008


I decided to start a blog for 2008. It seems to be the new "fad" and even though I'm really not into "fads" I thought this would be a great way for all our family and friends to keep in better tune with our family. So check back often for new updates. We started off the New Year with our neighbors. In case I haven't told you all, God truly blessed us with WONDERFUL neighbors. Madeline actually made it to the New Year, wide awake I might add, but shortly after everyone left I found her like this...

Yes, you are seeing that correctly. She fell asleep while laying across the coffee table. Poor thing. She had been at gymnastics camp all day and then entertained her friends that evening. She was worn out. As for little Macy, well she made it to her normal bed time of 8:00. She was ready for bed. I gave her a kiss goodnight at midnight. We are looking forward to what 2008 has in store. I hope you and your family have a blessed New Year with lots of happiness, good health, and wonderful friendship. God Bless you all. I leave with my little party girl.