Sunday, January 20, 2008

I'm stuffed...

As you know my parents came to stay with us this weekend. They arrived on Thursday morning just in time to go with me to pick the girls up at school. We showed up at the school and I let them peek in and get Madeline. She was so shocked to see them that she became so shy and ran straight to me (smiling the whole time). She quickly got off me and went straight to them. We went to Macy's class next and Nana said her name and she turned and saw my mom and dad and began saying, "Nana, Papa". She was pretty much a Papa's girl all weekend. She loved curling up next to him in the recliner and just rocking. At one moment during the weekend he was carrying her and she just gave him a big fat kiss for no reason. Of course that melted his heart.
We had a wonderful weekend. We spent most of the weekend EATING. I think that was the high light of the weekend, "Where are we going to eat next." We spent Friday afternoon shopping and TWO HOURS in Cabela's. It is so neat in there and the girls LOVED it. It's like an inside zoo. They fed the trout is the trout stream. Macy loved doing this. As we were walking into Cabela's Madeline looked at me and said, "Is this place like Toys R Us for Papa?" Smart little girl. It's one of Papa's favorite places. We had lunch on Sat. with my dad's sister, my cousin, her husband, and daughter. We then made the trip to the mall for the much anticipated trip by Madeline to the Build a Bear Workshop. She has been begging me for weeks to go so since Nana and Papa were here to see her do it we went. She picked out this pink leopard for herself and named it Pinky.

She picked out the following for Macy and named it Tasha.

Macy was not to into the whole Build a Bear thing. However, she does like Tasha. She was playing with some of the shoes that Madeline had picked out for Pinky (some pink feathery slippers) and Macy pulled them out of the box and said, "OHHHH, boo-t-ful." It was so cute. She is starting to talk more and more and I hope after Friday (the tubes) she starts talking even more.
Brad and I even took advantage of having a FREE babysitter in town that we went to an adult movie with our neighbors. We went to see The Bucket List. It was a great movie. I think I'm getting kinda used to going to the movies now. That's two weekends in a row for me. Sadly though, Nana and Papa left this morning to head back to Oklahoma. We had a great time with them and look forward to the next time they come back. After they left, Macy and I went to church and then afterwards I went for a mommy day and got a manicure and pedicure. It's been a GREAT weekend. I'll update before Macy's surgery and definitely afterwards. Please keep us all in your prayers this week as we prepare for her surgery. I know it's nothing major but it's still scary knowing my child is going to be put to sleep...Until then....