Friday, May 22, 2009

The reason he WON....

How many of you are American Idol watchers? I have to admit, I didn't watch it this season like I have in the past. I watched a lot of it and was VERY impressed with many of the contestants. Kris being a favorite from the beginning. I must admit though I was SHOCKED when he won Wed. night. Adam seemed to be the "favorite" among the judges, fans, etc. In the end, the best pulled it off and won the title AMERICAN IDOL. I can't be happier for a child of GOD to represent America with his talent and music. Here is a reason he is the winner.....He represents the Christian faith...

Watch Here

He is so talented and I know his future in music and entertaining will take him far.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Busy busy busy...

We have been busy and sick around our house the past two weeks. Between Macy being sick, Madeline catching it, and then myself we have been taking turns taking medicine and lying around. Thankfully, we are all FINALLY feeling better. I took Macy to see the ENT specialist about her third ear infection since the end of January. After looking at her, she decided that she needed surgery. June 1st, Macy will be having her SECOND set of tubes put in and her adenoids taken out as well. Hopefully this will solve all her ear infection problems. I will definitely be recording Macy this time when they give her the "loopy" medicine. Last time she was SO FUNNY. We laughed so hard at her. See this post for her first experience. I just pray that everything goes smoothly and that coming off the anesthesia will be much easier this time on all of us. That's the hardest part. Please be in prayer for us all on that day.

The end of May is a busy one for us. As the homeroom mom for Madeline's class I will be planning her big end of the year party which the kindergartners do a HUGE water day. Then will be graduation day, June 2nd. I will record it and post it on here of her big day for you all to see. I still can't believe she is completing her first year of school. I don't know what I'll do next year when she is in school ALL DAY! Sunday was senior recognition day at our church and during the announcement of all the seniors Hubs leaned over and whispered, "That's going to be Madeline up there before we know it." Sad to say, but it is true. They grow so unbelievably fast.

Speaking of growing fast....look at this "little" guy.

It's hard to get a picture of him because he is NEVER still long enough. He is an absolute COMPLETE MESS. He's wild, crazy, into EVERYTHING, plays non-stop, barks DEEP and LOUD, wants to "rough house", and adores Riley. I'll just be glad when he is out of this puppy stage. HA! I know, I still have a LONG TIME. He is having surgery next month (neutered) maybe that will help some. I can wish right?

We are planning on staying home this Memorial weekend and getting things done around the house that need to be done (staining the swing set, working my flowerbeds, painting the kitchen, etc). Sounds like a lot of fun huh? If any of you are bored and want to come help, we offer ANY and ALL the help we can get.

I leave you with a few pictures of my sweet Macy from her birthday.

Showing me how old she is turning.

Birthday Girl...

Look at her eyelashes...I want them.

Have a great week and enjoy the BEAUTIFUL weather we are supposed to have this week.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Today she is 3!!

It's hard for me to believe that my BABY is turning THREE today. The past three years have flown and she is turning into such a little girl. It's so funny to see the difference between her and Madeline. They are complete opposites. On this day three years ago she looked like..................

and now

Macy is a smart, ENERGETIC, drama filled, strong willed, independent, loving, charming, likes to have fun, loves bothering her big sister, and makes her mommy and daddy very proud.

I can't imagine what my life would be like without her being apart of it. She has completed our family and makes us laugh daily.

We love you sweet Mae Mae and hope you have a wonderful 3rd birthday....


Mommy and Daddy

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

One angry child.

If you read the post below, then you know that sweet Macy has not been feeling well. Poor thing is not sleeping well at night, she's coughing, and just feels crummy off and on most all day. Now, add into the mix she's on a steroid that makes her irritable....

See what I mean.........................




If you could only hear the screaming and crying that took place while I took these pictures. Is it mean of me to be taking pictures while my poor sweet baby girl is struggling, wheezing, and crouping? I already know the answer to that...... YES!! I know, I'm a horrible mother who apparently like to take pictures of her helpless child (not really). However, I wanted you (mainly my family) to see what I've been dealing with for 4 days now. You all know how strong willed she already is. Add in that medicine and we have PROBLEMS!! I pray that in another day she will be feeling MUCH better....For both of our sakes.
I'm sorry sweet baby girl.

Please pray that she gets better soon and that none of us catch it.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Illness be GONE!!

Conveniently, Friday evening about 5:00 little Macy comes to me and says, "Mommy my head hurts and my throat hurts like Dawsons did (a little boy in her class at MDO)." I feel her head and she does feel to be running a little bit of a fever. I go get the handy dandy thermometer and take her temp which was 100.8. I go search for the Children's Motirn and can't find ANY. What mom of young children doesn't have motrin on hand at ALL TIMES. Apparently, ME! I call Hubs who is on his way home from work and ask him to stop and get some for me.

Mighty dad shows up with the Magic potion that cures the fever for the next 4 hours. Sweet baby wakes up at 2:30am with a MASSIVE fever (103.2). I give her another dose and get her back to sleep. Saturday morning I wake up bright and EARLY to "web check in" for the Urgent Care clinic that opens at 8:00am. I get a call at 7:45 telling me that their doors open at 8:00 so to head that way. I get there a little before 8:00 and I am already the EIGHTH person in line with about 6 people behind me. WHOA!! We finally get in and see the doctor. After being there for TWO HOURS, a FLU test, a STREP test, and LOTS of waiting we get the diagnosis of Herpangina (viral infection in her throat). Nothing really you can do about it since it's viral. Oh, both Flu and strep came back negative. She felt pretty good until her fever would spike and then she'd lay around until the motrin broke it and then she was back to being herself.

Sunday, was children's day at our church. I was sad that daddy was going to have to miss Madeline helping lead the worship with all the other children in KID-U. We had a great time and Madeline did great. After church, I had a luncheon with all the moms that have been volunteering in Madeline's teachers class. She took us all out to lunch (her treat) and gave us a small gift. She is SO THOUGHTFUL and we are really going to miss her next year. Luckily, she goes to our church so we can still see her there. Macy continued to feel a little better......UNTIL....she woke up at about 11:30pm with this NASTY croupy cough and congestion. She was having a hard time breathing. I knew this was not good. She was up and down most all night, not breathing well, coughing, and saying she couldn't talk. I called our pediatricians office right when they opened and they told me to be there at 9:15 with her.
When we got there they had a sign posted that said, If your child has any of these symptoms (coughing, fever, sore throat, chills, body aches, feeling tired) see the front desk. Of course, Macy had EVERY symptom listed. The gave me a cute little mask for Macy to wear. Good luck on getting a 2 year old to wear something foreign on her face. Ludkily we didn't have to wait too long. Once we got in to see the doctor they ran another FLU tests just to be sure. Let me just tell you that Macy HATES to have her nose tickled (the test for the flu) and told me "It does not tickle, and I don't like when they do that." The doctor came in examined her and now we have NEW diagnosis. She has a double ear infection and Croup. She didn't see any trace of the herpangina. So who knows about that. Now my sweet little girl is on an antibiotic and a steriod to help shrink her airways so she can breathe easier. She still runs around like a mad women. Here's the best news yet. When the doctor was telling me about the steriod she said it will cause some irritability and hunger. GREAT!! As if she needs anything to help her be MORE IRRITABLE. Please pray for patience for me and for her to feel better SOON.

I do know one thing, this momma is VERY tired and needs a full nights sleep. I'm not used to this having to get up in the middle of the night. HA! I just hope Macy starts feeling better because she turns THREE this Saturday and I don't want her to still feel crummy. Keep us in your prayers.

Have a great week and AVOID THE SWINE!!