So we are now on day #3 with no binky.
Yes, that's right, Macy has gone two full days AND NIGHTS with no binky. This is hard stuff. She's really done very well with the hole thing. I clipped the end of the nipple (just like I did with Madeline) and we discussed that it was broken. We told her she sucked them too hard and now they are broken. I know, what a lie but it's working. I keep telling her she is a big girl now and she doesn't need the binky anymore. Of course nap time and bedtime are the hardest times. The first day she went down for her nap and of course asked for her "bink, bink", I explained it was broken, she was a big girl, etc. She cried for awhile and finally fell asleep. Next came bedtime, OH MY!! She screamed and screamed and screamed. Brad couldn't take it so he went in there to get her, brings her into me and says, "Give it to her, she's in there hyperventilating. She was very upset and doing that cry were even when they are no longer crying they are gasping for air, you know the one. I'm just about to give in when my neighbor calls to ask me something and I tell her about Macy. She gives me the lecture about how if I give in to her she will know (because she is VERY SMART and KNOWS how to work us) that all she has to do is cry real hard and she will get her binky back...She was right. Thanks Kristie. So I take Macy and rock her (which I NEVER do, only because she has never been a rocker. She likes to just be laid in her bed and fall asleep on her own) for a little bit and she then looks at me and says, "Night night Mommy." so i put her in her bed and hear nothing the rest of the night.
Yesterday, we spent ALL DAY at Hurricane Harbor (Six Flags water park) and when we got home last night at 7:30 she was EXHAUSTED. All she wanted was her BINKY. Uh oh, we are in for a LONG night. She cried and cried, even though I was holding her and rocking with her. She was not a happy camper in any way, shape, or form. I rocked her and consoled her for over an hour (with intermittent asks for her binky). I finally got her to sleep in her bed but she woke up at 10:30 crying for her binky AGAIN...UGH!! What's a mom to do? Why is it so much harder this time around? Is it because she is MY BABY, my last baby, so I want her to stay that way forever. I rocked her again and got her back to sleep. She stayed asleep until 8:30 this morning. Today has been a good day, no asking for binky....yet. It's almost nap time. Wish me luck...
How did you get rid of your kids binkies?
9 years ago
ooo those are tuff times...I agree with your friend..DO NOT give in. We never had a binky problem. Caitlin never took one and Austin spit his out at 9 months and never took it again..which at times i was like WHY!!! but then realized the blessing. :-) BUT we had the problem with Caitlin waking up and wanting daddy to hold and rock her. It was a nightly thing..that at first he liked having that little timw of cuddling with her. WELLLLLLL 6 months later of her getting up at 3:30am on the dot he was sick of it. I told him he created the monster hahaha. So I took it over. I went in laid her down said I LOVE you very much, but it is night time. cover her up and walked out with her screaming and standing and yelling DADDY!. You would think I was killing her. Well she is a persistant lil thing. We went through this for 4 straight hours. i thoguth for sure by then she would have passed out or went hoarse. She finally fell asleep and we rarely had the problem again. Gotta show them who is BOSS sometimes! :-) Good luck. Call me sometime. I hate to call u cause you are always doing or going somewhere hahaha. Hope you have a good 4th..Dan is just me and the kiddos! :-)
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